Microsoft Bridge to Cloud Discount extended

I got my first customer 40% off from Monthly Business Central Essential subscription and locked the price for 3 years. I checked on Thursday last week with my Ingram colleague if Bridge To Cloud discount is valid for my next customer and I have been informed that it expires on 29th of June 2023. That was really bad news but it turned out this week not to be valid, Microsoft has good news for us and Bridge to Cloud is extended until 2024.

What is Bridge to Cloud? The discount to all NAV customers with up-to-date BREP (Annual Subscription 16%) from Microsoft to start Business Central cloud Journey.

The current prices of Business Central license are as follows: £57.5 per month per user (in 12month bundle), £82.2 for Premium. How much 40% off do for you?

Average 20 users system essentials: No discount - £57.5 per user, 20 users = £1154; NCE Discounted £34.5 per user => £690. You can save £454 a month and £5568 a year.

Average 40 users system Premium: No discount - £82.5 per user, 40 users = £3300; NCE Discounted £49.5 per user => £1980. You can save £1320 a month and £15840 a year.

When we get to system running cost, the average (depending on required add-ons) can be as follows:

Average 20 essentials users system from above: £1000-£3000 (high numbers with high automation e.g. paperless warehousing, Inventory Optimising/Prediction tools, carrier integrations etc.)

Average 40 premium users system from above: £4000-£6000

But there is no hardware (usually £1k-£1.5) and no yearly BREP subscription (16% from license which is averagely £10-£20K a year).

It can literally turn out to be cheaper option to go off on-premise systems, to fully cloud based solution. You can switch old servers off, we will get your history to friendly PowerBI environment which users will appreciate more than NAV screens.

I’m saving my first customer thousands monthly and tens of thousands yearly on 3 years contract. Do you want to save, too? Check our Services. Become our new customer.

MB365 offers unbeatable Project Implementation packages including 30 days and 80 days of the BC development. Get in touch if you are interested. We promise unbeatable prize and implementation experience.


Managing multi country environments in Business Central public cloud