Blocked on LinkedIn Again

update 01/09/2023 - Linkedin support came back that some of their internal bots blocked me. This is threat for all future automations, you might end up in limbo with little options to get to human reponse. Hopefully it doesn’t repeat.

update 26/08/2023 - I’m back, at least for now, i couldn’t log in for whole week, i have no idea why, but now suddenly restrictions went away and i can start posting again. For some reason 1/2 of my followers gone, but i’m sure i can get that back :) New content coming soon.

end of update :)

Saturday 6am, woke up as usually, about to open LinkedIn to check the traction on previous posts and got this error again:

Again? Oh my, you have all my documents already, I did update them around 6:10am again. Then scrolling through an emails..:

What?? I did not contact anybody from Linkedin. I read through user agreement and there are zero discrepancies on my account, everything is up to date.

I did mention in one of my previous posts that I have been blocked from 4th July – 2nd August 2023. There is conclusion from Linked support 2nd August 2023:

What is going on? Lot of effort went to my previous posts especially continuation of my confession, I have more than 10k+ impressions since they merged my account on 2nd August, 700 unique visitors on the website from all around the world, but now nobody can see my Linked account and posts due to falling into limbo again ☹ Traffic on my website is stopped. I updated my Legal ID again and filled in account lost form:

What else I can do? Can anybody help? Recent ticket numbers are in screenshots if somebody could help me to get through support. I subscribe to Sales Navigator for 111£ a month and i cannot get any support at all. Great start on saturday :)


Business Central Visual Production Schedulling Tools


Continuation of Confession from 20 NAV/BC Implementations. Part 2